Blogger Theme Detector How To Identified Blogger Theme 2020

Welcome to another fresh article of my blog ideas. Today I a’m going to share my personal method to identified blogger theme detector. If you are a blogger then obviously you will also have a website. For which you are looking for a good theme, but you may not have got a good theme.

About Blogger Theme Detector

But whenever you visit someone’s website, you may like his theme. But you cannot identify a blogger theme if he has used the paid theme. It is very easy to detect the theme of the website built on WordPress but there is no platform to detect the theme of the website on blogger.

If you know a little trick, you can detect theme of the website on Blogger very easily. But if you do not know then I will tell you how to detect the Theme of a website on blogger. So, let us know how to detect the website theme of Blogger.

How to identified blogger website?

First of all, you need to know if it is made on the site blogger or not. For this, you have to look at two things that will be on the website such as its URL. You open any article on that website, if there is HTML contain at the end of the URL of that website, then it is made on blogger.

  • After this you have to select  Inspect option by right-clicking on that website.
  • Some kind of interface will open in front of you which is showing you in the picture below.
  • Then you have to press the (Control + F) After this some kind of interface will be open in front of you which is shown in the picture below
  • .After this you have to type in the box (Blogger Template Style) and press Enter.
  • Then you will get the name of the theme and the name of the company from which it was purchased.

Also Read

After that you can buy the name of the theme by searching on internet. You may like another theme of that company that you would like to buy for your website. After that you buy that theme and use it on your website. Your website visitor may be attracted t it and visit your website repeatedly.

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